Journal Blog

Average Employee gets over payed £1000 a year

Average Employee gets over payed £1000 a year

admin 16/11/2015 93
A recent survey in the UK revealed an estimated £2.52 billion a year is lost by companies overpaying employees “clocking-in” for time they haven´t act...
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Different ways to record Time & Attendance

Different ways to record Time & Attendance

admin 16/11/2015 132
Biometric time clocks are the latest technologies to record time and attendance. They allow companies to accurately record the time that their employe...
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Benefits of Biometric Clocking Systems

Benefits of Biometric Clocking Systems

admin 16/11/2015 0
Modern biometric clocking in systems that are available on today´s market, provide companies with numerous benefits. The obvious benefits of biometric...
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Clocking In Machines Reduce Company Costs

Clocking In Machines Reduce Company Costs

admin 16/11/2015 5
In our modern world, tracking, monitoring and checking-up on staff is not only difficult but can be a costly thing to do. With many companies being sp...
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